Life Insurance

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Life insurance is a safety net for your loved ones if something happens to you. Itโ€™s an agreement between you and an insurance company. You pay regular premiums, and in return, the company promises to pay a sum of money to your designated beneficiaries when you pass away. This money can help cover funeral costs, pay off debts, and provide financial support to your family.

Why is Life Insurance Important?

Life insurance is important for many reasons:

  1. Financial Protection for Your Family: It ensures that your family can maintain their lifestyle and meet daily expenses even if youโ€™re not there to provide for them.
  2. Debt Coverage can help pay off debts like mortgages, car loans, and credit cards so your family isnโ€™t burdened with these payments.
  3. Educational Expenses: It can help pay for your childrenโ€™s education, covering school fees, college tuition, and other expenses.
  4. Estate Planning: It provides funds to cover estate taxes and other costs, helping preserve your estate’s value for your heirs.
  5. Income Replacement: If youโ€™re the main earner, life insurance can replace your income, ensuring your familyโ€™s financial needs are met.
  6. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your loved ones will be financially secure gives you peace of mind.
Also, explore our article about Debunking common misconceptions about Life Insurance to get even more reasons to invest in Life Insurance today!

No matter where you are on life’s journey, the choices you make today will impact your family’s future.
Don’t wait any longer! Get a quote today!

Types of Life Insurance

  1. Whole of Life Insurance

    Coverage: Whole-of-life insurance provides coverage for your entire lifetime. Unlike term life insurance, which only covers you for a specific period, whole of life insurance remains in effect as long as you continue to pay the premiums.

    Premiums: These policies typically have higher premiums compared to term life insurance, but the premiums are fixed. This means your payments won’t increase as you age, making it easier to manage long-term financial planning.

    Cash Value: Whole-of-life insurance includes a savings component that builds cash value over time. A portion of your premium payments goes into this cash value account, which grows at a guaranteed rate or according to an investment portfolio, depending on the policy. You can borrow against this cash value or withdraw from it, providing financial flexibility.

    Guaranteed Payout: One of the significant benefits of whole-of-life insurance is the guaranteed payout. Your beneficiaries will receive a death benefit no matter when you pass away, ensuring financial security for your loved ones.

    Who It Benefits: Whole-of-life insurance is ideal for individuals who want lifelong coverage and are interested in building cash value over time. It’s suitable for those who seek stability with fixed premiums and guaranteed death benefits, making it a good choice for estate planning and providing long-term financial security for family members.

    Term Life Insurance

    Coverage: Term life insurance covers you for a specific period, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. If you pass away during the term, your beneficiaries receive the death benefit. However, if you outlive the policy term, the coverage ends, and no payout is made.

    Premiums: Term life insurance generally has lower premiums compared to whole of life insurance. However, these premiums can increase significantly if you renew the policy after the initial term ends, especially as you age or if your health declines.

    Cash Value: Unlike whole-of-life insurance, term life insurance does not include a cash value component. This means it doesn’t build any savings or investment value over time.

    Payout: The policy only pays out if you pass away during the term. If you outlive the term, there is no death benefit, and you will need to secure new coverage if you still require life insurance.

    Who It Benefits: Term life insurance is ideal for individuals seeking affordable coverage for a specific period. It’s suitable for those who want to protect their family financially during crucial years, such as while paying off a mortgage or funding children’s education. It’s a cost-effective solution for temporary needs.

    Over 50’s Life Insurance

    Coverage: Over 50’s life insurance is specifically designed for individuals aged 50 and above. It provides coverage for the rest of your life, ensuring that your beneficiaries receive a payout whenever you pass away.

    Premiums: These policies have fixed premiums, meaning the amount you pay will not increase with age. Additionally, acceptance is guaranteed without the need for medical exams, making it accessible to all applicants regardless of health status.

    Benefits: Life insurance for people over 50 primarily covers funeral costs and can provide a financial gift for your family, helping to alleviate the financial burden during a difficult time. The policy ensures that end-of-life expenses are taken care of, providing peace of mind.

    Lifetime Cover: This type of insurance provides coverage for the rest of your life. Unlike term life insurance, which expires after a certain period, over 50’s life insurance guarantees a payout whenever you pass away.

    Who It Benefits: Over 50’s life insurance is ideal for older individuals who may have missed securing life insurance earlier or who want to supplement their current coverage. It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs, without the worry of medical exams or increasing premiums.

Benefits of Life Insurance

  1. Financial Security: Ensures your family isnโ€™t left in financial distress.
  2. Estate Preservation: Helps cover inheritance tax liabilities, preserving your estate for your heirs.
  3. Income Replacement: Ensures your familyโ€™s financial needs are met.
  4. Living Benefits: Some policies offer benefits while youโ€™re still alive, such as cash value accumulation, terminal illness benefits, and hospital cash benefits.

Protect your loved ones. Get a quote for Life Insurance today!

Life Insurance for Business Owners and Self-Employed

Life insurance isnโ€™t just for individuals; itโ€™s also crucial for business owners and self-employed people.

  • Business Continuity: Ensures your business can continue operating smoothly.
  • Key Person Insurance: Protects your business from financial losses due to the death of a key employee.
  • Buy-Sell Agreements: Provides funds for buy-sell agreements between business partners.


  • Tax Benefits: Premiums for certain types of life insurance may be tax-deductible as a business expense.
  • Financial Security: Ensures both your business and family are financially protected.
You can explore Key Person Insurance more by reading our article: Key Person Insurance vs Life Insurance for your Business.ย 

Receive expert support securing the best insurance and protection policies here at True Wealth. Taking the first step towards a worry-free future is reaching out to us for a consultation today.

Most frequent questions (FAQs)

Who should consider life insurance?

Anyone with dependents, debts, or significant financial responsibilities. Itโ€™s particularly important for main earners, parents, and business owners.

Please explore more about Life Insurance, by reading this article: Questions about Life Insurance you always wanted to ask.ย 

It depends on your income, debts, living expenses, and future financial needs of your dependents. A financial advisor can help determine the right amount.

By reading this article: Life Insurance Calculator: How much does Life Insurance cost in Ireland, please explore more about Life Insurance costs.ย 

Yes, some policies offer living benefits like terminal illness benefits, childrenโ€™s life cover, hospital cash benefits, and cash value accumulation in whole-of-life policies.

Life insurance is about ensuring your loved ones are financially secure even when youโ€™re not around. By understanding the different types of policies and their benefits, you can make informed decisions to protect your familyโ€™s future.

By reading this article, Please explore some of the benefits you can enjoy from Life Insurance while alive.ย 

Business Owners

Employees (PAYE)

Income, Life, Mortgage, Health, Serious Illness Protection

If you still have any questions, please make an enquiry, or freephone us, and we will be happy to assist you.

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