Debunking 8 Myths About Financial Advisors in Ireland 

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Getting advice from experts is common in many aspects of our life. For example, hiring a personal trainer to help you get fit, a teacher to help you learn a new language, an architect to design the house of your dreams, or a nutritionist to eat healthier.

But when it comes to managing our money, many of us don’t think to get an expert’s advice. Finding a financial advisor can help you and your loved ones to have a more stable and profitable financial future.

What then prevents us from working together with a financial advisor? These common myths and misconceptions could be the reason for the hesitation.

Myth1: It’s only for the rich


One of the most common myths about getting financial advice is that it’s a service reserved exclusively for the wealthy. 

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Financial advisors assist people of various income levels and stages of life. 

Whether you’re funding your child’s education, saving for your first home, or planning for retirement, a financial advisor can help you set realistic goals and strategies. 

The essence of financial planning is not about the amount of wealth you currently possess but about optimising your financial resources to achieve your personal goals and enhance your financial well-being over time. 

Financial advisors are skilled in identifying opportunities and strategies you may not be aware of, making their services invaluable.

Myth 2: It’s Too Expensive

Another barrier that prevents people from seeking financial advice is the perception that it’s too expensive. 

Some financial advisors offer a range of fee structures to accommodate different budgets and financial situations. 

At True Wealth, we believe in accessibility to financial guidance for all.

Many of our services, especially for straightforward situations, are offered free of charge, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from professional advice. 

For more complex scenarios that require in-depth analysis and personalised strategies, we apply a reasonable fee. 

Our commitment is to provide value and clarity, helping you navigate your financial journey with confidence.

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Myth 3: I’m too young to need a financial advisor

Financial planning is mistakenly seen as something reserved for only those approaching retirement or already in their later years.

It’s also understandable that this myth exists, given that younger people often have fewer assets and lower earnings. However, the reality is that beginning to organise your finances and adopting healthy financial habits early on can significantly benefit you in the future.

Starting a family or managing one you already have means making sure your finances are in good shape and that you have the right protection in place for your loved ones. This is where a financial advisor becomes essential. 

Working with a financial advisor goes beyond simply managing your funds; it’s about ensuring a secure and prosperous future for your family. This includes establishing savings, making smart investments choices, selecting the right insurance policies, as well as careful planning for inheritance and retirement. Each element plays a vital role in securing your family’s financial well-being.

A financial advisor adjusts their advice based on your current life phase, ensuring it’s as helpful for young adults as for the nearly retired.

Myth 4: They use only technical jargon that I don’t understand

technical jargon financial advisors

A major barrier to getting help is the belief that financial advisors only use technical language to communicate, which makes the process intimidating and unapproachable.

However, financial advisors at True Wealth understand the importance of clarity and simplicity. They prioritise translating complex financial concepts into plain English because it’s crucial that you fully comprehend all aspects of your financial plan. 

Whether you’re looking to buy your first home, planning for retirement, saving for your child’s education, or aiming to maximise your investment returns, our goal is to provide transparent, straightforward guidance.

This approach ensures that you’re not just a passive participant in your financial journey but an informed decision-maker.

Myth 5: I have a simple lifestyle, no need for a financial advisor

Many individuals think their financial situation is too simple to need help with, with just a savings account and everyday expenses to manage. Yet, even straightforward financial scenarios like handling back-to-school costs, planning for a child’s education, or managing household budgets with a partner can benefit from professional advice.

A financial advisor can help identify potential tax savings opportunities, offer strategies for emergency funds, suggest protection plans, and offer guidance on pensions and investment choices that align with your future goals, however modest they might be. 

The true value of a financial advisor isn’t just in managing complexity; it’s in optimising what you have, protecting against unforeseen risks, and preparing for future financial milestones.

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Myth 6: Financial advisors will take control of my money

Financial advisors will take control of my money

The fear of losing control over one’s finances can deter some from seeking professional advice. However, a financial advisor’s role is to provide guidance, recommendations, and insights, they don’t take control of your money. 

The aim of financial planning is to create a comprehensive strategy that manages your finances effectively to meet your life goals. 

It involves assessing your current financial situation, setting realistic financial goals, and developing a plan that covers everything from mortgages and pensions to insurance and estate planning.

Myth 7: A Financial advisor will put all my money in stocks

There’s a common myth that financial advisors prefer to invest all their client’s money in the stock market, which many perceive as a high-risk option. 

Financial advisors are committed to creating a diversified portfolio that matches each client’s risk tolerance, financial goals, and time horizon. 

For some, this might mean a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles, while for others, it could mean more conservative investments.

Their strategies may involve diverse avenues, like using pension funds to invest in property, potentially securing a tax-free rental income for you. 

At True Wealth, we help clients feel at ease and knowledgeable about how to use their money by demystifying the investment process and explaining the reasoning behind each suggested approach.

Myth 8: One-Size-Fits-All Financial Plan

Another myth is that financial advisors apply a generic, one-size-fits-all strategy to all clients. 

In truth, advisors personalise their recommendations to fit each client’s unique financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. 

Tailored financial planning considers your circumstances, ensuring that advice and strategies are relevant and effective for achieving your financial objectives. 

This bespoke approach reinforces the value of professional financial advice in crafting a plan that evolves with your life.

Talk to our financial advisors at True Wealth

Our approach demystifies the financial planning process, ensuring that you’re not just another client but a valued partner in a shared mission to achieve your financial goals. 

With personalised strategies that reflect your unique situation and aspirations, True Wealth empowers you to take control of your financial future.

Additionally, explore our article, 11 Reasons Why Personal Financial Planning Is Essential in Ireland.

We are also experts in personal and business protection, savings and investments, pension tracing, personal and business financial planning, mortgages, and wealth management and extraction.

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All our content has been written or overseen by a qualified financial advisor. However, you should always seek individual financial advice for your unique circumstances.

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