Pension Term Assurance

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Protect and Save with Pension Term Assurance: Your Tax-Efficient Life Insurance.

Pension Term Insurance is a type of life insurance designed specifically to provide an affordable means of protecting your family’s financial future while maximising the benefits of pension-related tax reliefs.


What are the types of Pension Term Assurance plans?

There are two types of pension term assurance: Personal and Executive.


Personal Pension Term Assurance

Personal Pension Term Assurance is designed specifically to offer financial protection through life assurance until the policyholder retires. Key features of this type of policy include:

Guaranteed Premium: Your life insurance premium is determined from the beginning, so there are no unexpected changes.

Defined Term: You establish the policy for a specific duration, known as the term. If you pass away before this term concludes, a lump sum is paid out to your estate, providing your loved ones with financial security.

End of Policy: The policy must terminate upon retirement if that happens before the maximum retirement age of 75 outlined in Revenue Regulations. Or if you retire before the policy’s term ends, it must be cancelled.

Eligibility: The minimum age requirement is 18, and the policy is designed for self-employed people or those in non-pensionable employment. It is available on a single-life basis only.

Tax Relief: Premiums may be eligible for income tax relief, subject to not exceeding maximum Revenue limits when combined with your pension contributions. This means that a taxpayer with a higher tax rate may be able to reduce the cost of the premium by 40%.


Executive Pension Term Assurance

Executive Pension Term Assurance is distinguished by its setup and premium payment structure while it is similar in its fundamental purpose of providing life assurance until retirement.

Guaranteed Premium: Just like with Personal Pension Term Assurance, your life insurance premium is fixed from the start, so there are no unexpected changes.

Company-Set Term: Your company establishes this policy for a specific term. In the event of your death before the term’s end, a lump sum is paid to the trustees of your pension plan, who then distribute it to your dependents or estate.

Employer-Paid Premiums: A notable difference is that your employer covers the premiums for Executive Pension Term Assurance, providing an additional layer of financial planning facilitated by your workplace.

Eligibility: This policy is available to anyone taxed in Ireland under Schedule E (PAYE) or part of a company pension plan, with an age requirement of at least 18. It is also solely available on a single-life basis.ย 

Tax Benefits: Companies can claim full tax relief at the corporation tax rate on premiums, which are considered alongside pension contributions for tax relief purposes. According to revenue regulations, the policy must be concluded by age 70 unless retirement occurs sooner.

Maximum Lump-Sum Payment: When an employee passes away while employed, the policy allows a lump-sum payment that can potentially amount to up to four times the employee’s final salary.

Any remaining balance may beย used to purchase anย annuity, fund dependents’ pensions, or investย in an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF).ย 

If the employee’s accumulated pension contributions already amount to four times their salary, the entire benefit may be directed towards purchasing an annuity, funding dependents’ pensions, or investing in an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF).ย ย 

This can differ depending on the type of pension arrangement you have in place, e.g., PRSA vs. Master Trust/Occupational Pension Scheme. You will need to get individual advice on this.ย 

No matter where you are on life’s journey, the choices you make today will impact your family’s future.
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Pension Term Assurance Benefits

Tax Efficiency: Similar to how pension contributions are treated tax-wise, Pension Term Assurance premiums are also eligible for tax relief at the individual’s marginal tax rate. As a result, the insurance’s effective cost is greatly reduced, making it a more appealing tool for financial planning.

Flexibility and Coverage: Policyholders are free to choose the length of their coverage, matching it to their personal financial obligations or retirement plans. This guarantees a customised strategy for safeguarding the financial stability of your family.

Loved Ones Protected: The confidence that your loved ones will be financially taken care of in your absence is the main benefit of Pension Term Assurance. Beneficiaries receive a lump sum payment that helps them manage their debts, living expenditures, and way of life without having to sacrifice their finances.

Who is Pension Term Assurance Designed For?

Pension Term Assurance is crafted with particular groups in mind, offering a vital financial safety net for:

Personal Pension Term Assurance

  • Self-employed Individuals
  • Those Without Employer-Sponsored Pension Plans
  • Individuals in Non-Pensionable Employment

Executive Pension Term Assurance

  • Anyone Taxed in Ireland under PAYE
  • Members of Company Pension Plans

Receive expert support securing the best insurance and protection policies here at True Wealth. Taking the first step towards a worry-free future is reaching out to us for a consultation today.

Most frequent questions (FAQs)

How does Pension Term Assurance differ from regular life insurance?

Pension Term Assurance offers the added benefit of tax relief on premiums, similar to pension contributions, making it a more cost-effective solution for securing life cover. Regular life insurance does not offer this tax benefit.

Yes, under Revenue regulations, Personal Pension Term Assurance must end by the maximum retirement age of 75, while Executive Pension Term Assurance policies are limited to age 70 unless you retire earlier.

Your choice depends on your employment status and preferences.ย 

Personal Pension Term Assurance might be the best fit if you’re self-employed or in non-pensionable employment.ย 

If you’re an employee, and your employer offers it, Executive Pension Term Assurance could provide a tax-efficient way to secure life cover.ย 

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Employees (PAYE)

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If you still have any questions, please make an enquiry, or freephone us, and we will be happy to assist you.

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